Dance Party For All Eternity
Thursday June 30, 2016 Our Executive Director, Karen Roller, lost her brother. David McDonald was 62 years old and will be dearly missed. Karen is still in Malawi for the summer and was faced with her grief while 2,000 miles from her family. Instead of being isolated in her grief our Malawian brothers and sisters and team members have shown again what the love of Christ looks like.
David McDonald, 62 years old
Since Karen was not able to be home for the funeral, our Circle of Hope family in Malawi stepped in and joined her in mourning the loss of someone very special. A memorial for David was held at Pastor Phiri's house with members of the Grace Alliance Church and our team members surrounding Karen and joining her in honoring her late brother's memory. There were songs, prayers, a message, not to mention respect and healing.
Amayi Bokho, assistant administrator, leading a prayer.
It does not end there, the church gave Karen a memorial gift to remember David. This community, with very little Earthly possessions, understands the beauty and value of a gift given and a sacrifice made to honor the Lord. Here is what Karen said about this gift,
“The church has blessed me with a memorial gift to remember David. I am donating the gift to the Grace Alliance Church to help put a floor in the new church building. I will be putting together the funds to give the whole floor for the church in David’s memory. It is a place where people will sing and dance and celebrate for decades to come, a place for healing, a place for the children. I am sure there is a grand celebration in Heaven right now and if you’ve never been in an African worship service, it is definitely a joyous celebration! I think David will love knowing there is a party going on and the dance floor was given in his memory! ”
Yes, you read right, Karen is donating the memorial gift back to the church to put a floor in the church building. Even in the midst of mourning, generosity is contagious! Would you like to be a part? Click below to give in David's honor. Let's put the floor on the church and seal in his memory into this place of joy.
Grace Alliance Church building on the Grace Center campus