Our Vision
Circle of Hope International exists to witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ by engaging in works of mercy and justice alongside the world’s most impoverished people.
Our Mission
Empower holistic community transformation as our spiritual act of worship focusing on education, community development, and comprehensive healthcare programs.
“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble."
— Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Our Core Values
Our Circle of Hope family grows in unity as we intentionally pursue these core values.
Relationship: We live in COMMUNITY. As a family, we value our relationships. First of all with God, through salvation in Jesus Christ; and second with each other as we live and work together.
The Word and Prayer: We strive to live by the Truth of God’s Word through the Empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We listen for God to speak as we read his word and pray. We pray for our children and community. We pray for salvation, freedom, and deliverance, physical, and spiritual healing.
Transformation: We are intentional about development, creation stewardship, transformation and Kingdom life. Our programs are designed to bring transformation to individuals and to our community — physically and spiritually.