He lives; there is hope for ALL!
Happy Easter! Jesus is risen!
What a significant event! Our savior not only chose to die for us but he ROSE! Hope is now eternal because the son of God took on our sin and overcame! We have freedom and hope forever when we are in Christ.
What a freeing message! When working with children who have seen hunger, pain, and are orphaned we see such a need for freedom. We have seen the hungry rejoice when given food. We have seen the abused find peace. We have seen the struggling find relief. Here are a few of their stories:
Each one of our beautiful children has a story in which Jesus brought them from broken to whole. It's easy to see how much freedom was needed in their lives. Have you thought about where freedom is needed in your life? Jesus died and rose for ALL. We are all hurting, hungry, orphaned, or broken in some way.
Today, and every day, let's rejoice that Jesus' love story did not end at the grave. He rose triumphantly over all!
Have a blessed Easter!