Simple acts of connection

By: Kaitlyn Miller

Malawians pray with passion and conviction; find your connection and pray for them.

Malawians pray with passion and conviction; find your connection and pray for them.

As I stood in my pew reciting the words I say every Sunday, a warm feeling overcame me; I am not alone.

Every Sunday I say the Lord’s Prayer out loud and I feel connected:

  • I feel connected to Jesus; when I quote him I realize the power of his words thousands of years later.
  • I feel connected to my fellow church members: there is nothing like hearing your brothers and sisters praying with you.
  • I feel connected to Christians of the past: knowing this is the same instruction all Christians have received brings inspiration to me.
  • I feel connected to my Malawian brothers and sisters: just like here, many Malawians recite the Lord’s Prayer weekly too.

While in Malawi, I learned the Lord’s Prayer from one of our older boys in Timothy’s Home. It was a long few weeks butchering words and stumbling when they recited it full-speed; but the first Sunday I stood in worship and recited it, I felt so connected.

Today, I encourage you to find your connection. Whether your church recites the Lord’s Prayer or not…find something in your daily or weekly routine that spurs you into connection. I have committed that every time I hear the Lord’s Prayer to pray for my friends in Malawi. Maybe you have a keychain on your key ring that you can say every time you see it you will stop and say a prayer ect. Whatever the means, find something to propel you into connection.

Connection through Christ happens across all different cultures and languages.

Connection through Christ happens across all different cultures and languages.

Atate wathu wa kumwamba,

dzina lanu liyeretsedwe,

ufumu wanu udze,

kufuna kwanu kuchitidwe,

monga kumwamba chomwecho pansi pano.

Mutipatse ife lero chakudya chathu chalero,

ndipo mutikhululukire ife machimo athu,

monga ifenso tiwakhululukira otichimwira,

musatitengere ife kokatiyesa,

koma mutipulumutse ife kwa woipayo.

Chifukwa wanu uli ufumu ndi mphamvu ndi

ulemerero wa nthawi zonse.


Our friends in Malawi, and all over the world, deserve connection. We need to rise and lift them up to the Lord. Malawians are facing genuine hunger, vast educational needs, and challenging crops; let’s be intercessors. It is easy to have good intentions but never turn them into actions. Will you find a means of connection and take ACTION with me today?

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