Our part of the promise...

Ten years ago, Pastor Phiri was given a beautiful vision from the Lord for Circle of Hope. He saw children living with freedom and joy. He saw a school from pre-school all the way to a university. He saw farms and a church building. Ultimately, he saw the promise God had for the people of Malawi.

Today, it is time to fulfill our part of this promise. As believers, it is our unique privilege and joy to share in the work of the Lord. When we partner with him and act on his promises we help bring his promises to life! Right now at the Grace Center we are choosing to move forward and act on these promises Pastor Phiri received years ago.

This year we are focusing on education. As we educate our children we invest in the future of Malawi and we are thrilled to see what is to come! Here’s how we are going to do it:


Food: The school lunch program is saving the day for our kids. They are eating, growing and learning like never before. We want to continue this vital program for all of our school children.

Land: To reach our goal of university level training, we must increase the size of the Grace Center. NOW is the time to expand! We have an opportunity to move forward and secure this integral piece of Pastor’s vision and God’s promise!

School: Classrooms, classrooms and more classrooms are the first order of business, then a dining hall, school kitchen and playground. Right now, we are out growing our classrooms and our kitchen and the dining hall is sitting under the trees. It is an exciting problem to have when you have more children to be educated than space to educate them!


We know the value of partnership; it is your partnership with us and the Lord that has let Circle of Hope see it’s 10th birthday this year! NOW, let’s continue to act in unity and obedience on the beautiful vision and promise from the Lord! Follow the link below to get more information on our fundraising goals and to give! 

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