"I didn't realize I would spend my days in America longing to be back in Malawi"
Karly Glibert's Story
I first stepped onto the Grace Center June of 2012, and I had no idea what I was in for. I did not know that a place and a group of people could capture my heart in the way that they did, and I had no idea that I would be returning again the following year. More importantly, I didn't realize I would spend my days in America longing to be back in Malawi. When I look back, I see that my perspective my first summer was that I was “brave” to go. Yet, my second summer, I was desperate to get back!
Karly working in the clinic at our Chipoka Project.
Teaching in the clinic at the Grace Center.
During both summers I served as a Student Nurse Intern. I spent my time in Malawi teaching lessons to the Community Health Evangelism team (CHE), helping with wellness check-ups, bandaging wounds, and teaching health lessons to people in nearby villages. My first day of lessons with the CHE were in a preschool classroom... by the end of my first summer we were able to work out of the clinic building! The clinic progressed dramatically in the two summers I was in Malawi, and this past summer as the Grace Center staff were first aid certified! I am looking forward to the future as God continues to grow healthcare at the Grace Center through the Clinic and Maternal Care Center.
Although I love nursing and being apart of the clinic at the Grace Center, it is not what has captured my heart. Seeing the people and relationships that have developed through working together toward a common mission... Malawian or American, Chichewa or English, we all learn from each other. We are seeking to restore, transform, and empower as we share the love of Jesus Christ. For this reason, my piece of the puzzle is going. I am now a registered nurse and am eager to return! I have loved being a part of the puzzle God is piecing together in Malawi, and watching the beautiful picture unfold!