Restoration Celebration


This Classroom block will house two Primary School classrooms and the Primary School Office! The teachers and children are all so excited for the building to be done so they can move in!

First, I want to say "Thank you!"

Our donors are absolutely amazing! Your generosity makes it possible to keep building and growing! I can hardly wait for our kids to sit in their desks in our new classrooms!

We are working on two Restoration projects at the moment: Building new classrooms at the Primary School and putting in the first of two solar irrigation systems.

Pastor Phiri sent these pictures this week of the foundations for the two classroom blocks at the Grace Center. (Hopefully we will have pictures of the irrigation system soon!)

Will you join me in praying that our children will become leaders and world-changers in Africa!

The Second Classblock will house two classrooms! The exciting news is that once these classrooms are in place we will have room for 1st through 3rd grade classes at the Grace Center! Whew! Finally a step ahead of our growth!

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