1. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
"she expressed her gratitude to the donors for their support"
gratefulness thankfulness thanks appreciation recognition
Gratitude does something really amazing in our bodies. I don’t really know how it works but people who express gratitude have better mental health, stronger immune systems and sleep better! That’s pretty cool!
We want to spend the month of November with you, expressing our gratitude!
#One: We are so thankful for God’s provision and guidance. We are grateful for the way he answers prayers through our donors and through his presence. I cannot even begin to express how many times he has helped us and continues to help us every day. Here is a short testimony from our Operations Manager, Edmond Phiri, after a difficult meeting with local community leaders at the Grace Center, “This week I’ve relied heavily on Jesus, more than ever before. I have been waking up at 2 am and praying till dawn. Even though the situations we were working with were very difficult, I knew Jesus was with us. I had peace and was calm. Jesus gave me the energy to stay focused. But guess what, Karen, through the difficult meeting we came to an understanding and we were united.” Thank you, Jesus, for giving us wisdom, peace and for bringing our community together in unity.
Edmond Phiri, Operations Manager, Blessings Matatiyo, HR Manager and Pearson Matthews, Infrastructure.
#Two: We are grateful for our Grace Center Staff every day! From our house moms who care for small children, and our cleaning staff who clean up messes everywhere – the school, the hospital, the home, the offices – to our teachers, doctors, nurses, pharmacist, lab technician, cooks, accountants, HR Manager, our social workers and Managers! Wow! We have wonderful and amazing people who serve faithfully and diligently every day – witnessing to the Good News of Jesus through acts of mercy and justice! Thank you, Jesus, for our staff. We are grateful for their commitment to you and their hard work in our community. We pray you will bless our staff and their families with the outpouring of your love and provision for them. Thank you!
Pictured above are our teachers and our clinic staff.
#Three: We are very thankful for our 366 amazing SPONSORS! Thank you to each and every sponsor for all you do. Thank you for providing financially, for praying for your child, for writing them letters, and sometimes even visiting them! Our children know who their sponsors are and they love writing letters to their sponsors - they know they are loved and supported. Thank you so much for loving our kids in this way.
Pictured are five sponsors spending time with some of our children back in 2018!