Pictures from Storm Damage
by Karen Roller
The storm which blew through the Grace Center community last week tore the roofs off houses and buildings, knocked down walls of homes and destroyed the dwindling food supplies of many families. We are still assessing the damage and are now to the point of making decisions on how we can best help out in the situation.
Here are a few pictures of the damage to homes of some of our staff members:
James and his family rent this home near the Grace Center. With James' handicap, it is difficult for him to walk long distances to work. He is currently staying at the Textile Center while his wife and children are staying with another family in the community.
Henry and his family lost their roof and food supplies in the storm. They are currently staying with other family members until their home is repaired.
Mrs. Lumbe was so proud of her new home. She had just completed the roof and windows when the storm struck. Her food supplies were also destroyed in the storm.
We are estimating some repair costs as follows:
Repair Kennedy's roof: $500
Repair Henry's roof: $500
Repair Mrs. Lumbe's roof: $1000
Build a staff house on campus for James' family: $5000
Food for families: (Still waiting for a final number of families who need assistance and a decision on how we can assist.)
We have raised approximately $4000 to date for Storm Relief.
If your heart is moved to assist with the storm relief or in helping to provide food during this terrible time of hunger, please make a donation by clicking on the link below or by mailing your check to Circle of Hope International, PO Box 132, Wilmore KY 40390.