Speak up! Talking With Purpose
By: Kaitlyn Miller
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;
ensure justice for those being crushed.
Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless,
and see that they get justice
Proverbs 31:8-9
As a woman, I often look to Proverbs 31 for direction but after leaving Malawi I got direction I did not expect; to speak up. I had an amazing time in Malawi but left with a broken heart wanting to do more but not knowing how to do that from another continent. As I was praying on the way back I found this verse.
Goodbyes are hard. I left a portion of my heart in Malawi but God has shown me how to take action and be whole even while I am across the world.
Right now, Malawi is facing a time of great need and hunger. Floods followed by drought have devastated the crops and the people. The U.N. estimates that 2.8 people in Malawi will be without food this season. We may be on another continent but there is something we can actively DO.
Circle of Hope has decided to take a BOLD step of faith and start serving all the children in our schools hot breakfast AND lunch during this time of hunger and need. We need your voice and your partnership to make that work. We are looking for advocates willing to answer God’s call to speak up.
We often think of advocating as something only some of us are called to do. I have heard, “That is just not my gift” and, “Someone else will say it better” too many times to count. But, I challenge you to read those words at the top again. It does not say some speak up. In this passage we are given clear, inclusive direction: speak up.
How do I advocate you ask? Let’s brainstorm together. The beautiful thing about calls to action like this, I believe, is that God has equipped us to take this action already. He has given us unique talents, passions, and opportunities to answer this call.
Karen Roller speaking at a church about our children. Email her and get information for your presentation!
Here are several ways to start your journey as the voice of those in need:
· Share information:
Simply sharing the Facebook posts, newsletters, and basic information about Circle of Hope and our plan to address the need is step one. There are many people who are willing and able to step out with on this journey but they have to know we are going on it first.
· Give a presentation:
Are you a member of a small group at your church? A civic organization or club? Have a group of friends you think would be interested? Share with them! We have presentations ready for you and would be happy to help you gather the needed materials and take that leap of faith to talk to others. Email us at karen@cohcommunity.org to get more information on presentations and materials to use when speaking.
· Host a dinner:
If your gift is being the life of the party then there is a role for you in advocating! Consider hosting a dinner and inviting those you want to hear about the school lunch program in Malawi. Encourage others to come with the money they would spend on going out to dinner and instead donating that to feed lunch to children in need.
· Take a child to lunch:
We have figured out that it takes $0.50 to take a child to lunch at the Grace Center. How fun would it be to have an adorable lunch date with one of our sweet kids? You can contact us at karen@cohcommunity.org to get a “lunch kit”. We encourage you to set up a table at work, school, church, etc. and give your friends a chance to see their sweet faces and take one of our children to lunch for the day.
· Pray:
Speaking on behalf of the children does not stop with talking to the people around you. God tells us the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:16) It is time we rise up as prayer warriors on behalf of those we care about! Click the link below to see scripture prayers we are praying over ours kids and download your copy. You can even host a prayer meeting and have others write out prayers for the children and the food shortage.
There are a million ways to make your voice heard on behalf of others but none will be effective if the first step is not taken. Now is the time! Do you have a specific talent you want to utilize and include Circle of Hope? Let us know! We love to embrace creativity and continue relationships with those around us!
Do you have a sponsor child? Choose a child and start your journey!