Send Randy and Sharon to Malawi, Africa!
The Lord works in incredible ways and we are so thankful He is leading us to serve alongside this community.
we have an amazing opportunity to serve in Malawi, Africa!
More than ever, since our trip last year, we’ve seen how God has worked through us in this particular time in Malawi and we are grateful for the increasing opportunity to serve alongside these incredible brothers and sisters in Christ.
Randy will continue training on new financial systems and is looking forward to being able to do more with leadership training on this trip. “I left some work unfinished and am excited to go back to get the financial systems completed, but also to do more of the pastoral work that is on my heart and mind.”
Sharon will be focusing on teacher development this year. The schools at the Grace Center are currently focusing on reading skills at all grade levels. Sharon will be working one on one with teachers to evaluate small reading groups and providing instruction on how to improve teaching reading in the classroom. “But my favorite part of Malawi is dancing in worship on Sunday mornings and preaching the Word. That’s what is drawing me back to Malawi!”
Thank you so much for helping us reach our goal for this trip. We are very grateful.
Our Mission Trip Goal:
Thank you so much for praying for us and our team as we prepare to go. If you are able to contribute to our support, we’re very grateful! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for your support!
Please take a few minutes to watch the video below and see where we’ll be serving soon!