Keep Girls in School


Leveraging Changing Rooms, Community Capacity Building, and Menstrual Health Education to Keep Girls in School

Recently the Mother’s Group at Grace Primary School contacted us regarding the stigma their daughters face during their monthly period. The lack of sanitary supplies and a private latrine often results in the girls missing many days of school. Because of this, many girls drop out of school before the 6th grade. When girls stay in school, they increase their future income by 20% for every year they continue their education (Women and Girls, 2016).  When girls drop out of school, they often marry too early. Complications in both pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death in girls 15-19 years old. (Women and Girls, 2016). 

On September 15, 2020, we received the mock exam results from the 8 primary schools in our zone. From 8 primary schools, 110 of the students are girls, 140 of the students are boys. Of the 98 students who passed their mock exam, only 37 of them are girls. While 44 percent of students are girls, only 38 percent of students who passed their exams are girls.

The Keep Girls in School project includes three areas of focus aimed at making it possible for girls to manage their monthly period while at school.  First, the project will provide changing rooms at Grace Primary School as well as 4 or 5 other schools in our community.  It is essential that girls have a place to take care of themselves and a changing room will provide the space they need. Second, the project will train local women to sew sanitary supplies and will provide them with the necessary resources to begin such as a sewing machine and cloth.  This will provide a sustainable income and support for girls and women in the local community. Finally, the project will provide ongoing menstrual health education. 

Our Goal for this Project: $23,300.

Keep Girls in School Budget: Changing room at Grace Primary School: $1,500.00; Changing rooms at neighboring schools: $9,000.00; Training 10 women to make Days for Girls kits: $4,000.00; Kit supplies, cloth, thread: $2,000.00; Ten sewing machines, training, and equipment: $3,500.00; Training on health topics related to young women and staying in school: $1,800.00; Celebration ceremony for girls from all schools: $1,500.00.

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Women and Girls. (2016). Retrieved August 31, 2020, from here.