Love as a verb; A Valentines Day challenge

By: Kaitlyn Miller

Red and hearts everywhere I looked: Converation hearts. Chocolates. Flowers. Teddy bears. Cards. Gift baskets. Heart emblazoned everything. Endless baked goods.

I walked into a store on February 1 and was inundated with the things I could buy in the name of love. In our culture, we celebrate love by showering others in possessions and quick, passing ‘I love you’s. It is not necessarily a negative thing but sometimes we mistake this for genuine, Biblical love.

Malawi captured my heart for many reasons but the overwhelming sense of love is what kept me coming back and my heart engaged and needing more. I expected to find a broken country simply waiting to be helped and instead I found a country running towards love.

They had very little but they loved so very much. I saw neighbors giving all they had to help a starving family. I saw real conversations at church not just surface level exchanges. I saw a ministry housing, loving and educating children who wouldn’t have access otherwise. I SAW ACTION.

“Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.”

1 John 3:18

I want to challenge you to make love a verb this Valentines Day. Find something or someone that God is leading you to love with ACTIONS and TRUTH.

At Circle of Hope, we are excited about a new year filled with ways to put love in motion. We were extremely blessed with your partnerships to provide through #FeedMalawi and we are using those donations to take action against the starvation in Malawi through school meals and assistance to families.  We are geared up for a wonderful summer of service as our 2016 teams come to Malawi to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We are focusing on education and excited to improve the future of this country we love by empowering the children. We are continuing to provide loving homes to our children in Timothy’s and Patricia’s Homes.

We are committed to being an action-driven organization; want to join us? Love with us this Valentines by sponsoring a child, praying for our vision and projects, or speaking about Circle of Hope so someone else has the opportunity.

Questions about how to join us in action? Ask! We love to hear from our community members and partner with you on this journey to show love to the people of Malawi!