Which Piece is in Your Hands?


Have you ever done a puzzle without the picture on the box? Our journey of building the Grace Center has been like that. We started out with the piece in our hands: feeding orphaned and hungry children, but we had no idea of the amazing things God had planned. As the pieces have come together so has the picture of what God is doing.

Circle of Hope International is now 8 years old and we are just beginning to understand the scope of the vision God has for the Grace Center and for the Restoration of Africa.

Without a picture, it is almost impossible to begin to put the pieces into place. We want to help you see the picture because we believe that you have the pieces to complete the puzzle!

This beautiful mother and her son, healthy, growing and full of love, represent our goal. 

This beautiful mother and her son, healthy, growing and full of love, represent our goal. 

The picture of Restoration:

Knowing Jesus! The cornerstone of Africa’s restoration is having a relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is only through His blood poured out at the cross and His power revealed in His resurrection that we have the hope of restoration.

Being healthy! Good Health is a foundational piece of Africa's restoration. Healthy people can care for their families, learn new ways of caring for the land, take advantage of available education, and develop their communities to step out of poverty.

Working! Productive land that yields plentiful, nutritious crops and small businesses are the building blocks of Africa’s restoration.

Learning! Quality Education is a pivotal piece in Africa’s restoration. As children and adults become informed and begin to learn how abnormal the poverty, disease and hunger are, they can begin to envision and plan ways to move out of their desperate situations.

That’s the picture! But what are the pieces? Here is a quick look to get you started thinking about the piece that is in your hands!

Give: Has God provided for you and your family generously? Your piece is to give generously.

Go: Have you felt God’s tugging on your heart to go to Africa? Your piece is to go! For two weeks, two months or perhaps for a year or more!

Send: Have you heard God’s call, but you know you can’t go? Your piece is to send others – giving, praying, supporting!

Pray: Can you see the picture in your heart and hear from the Spirit how He is moving? Your piece is to pray fervently, with authority.

Engage: Do you have a skill or talent? Don’t bury it in the ground! Your piece is to use your skill to support in any creative way you can!

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